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Literary Magazine Publications

Matthew's poetry and other writings have appeared or are forthcoming in the following publications:

(forthcoming unless the journal is underlined)


Aethlon: Journal of Sports Literature, "Ordering Mike Tyson Fights on Pay-Per-View"

African Writer, multiple poems

The African American Review, "Black Men's Sunday School Discussion"

Angel City Review, "Watching Footage of a Young Biggie Smalls Battle Rapping

Early Innings, "The Banishment of Moses Fleetwood Walker" - anthology

The Indianapolis Review, "The One Movie Scene That Always Gets Me"

Jaded Ibis Press, multiple poems

Jerry Jazz Musician - Readers Respond Project

Kinds of Cool: A Collection of Jazz Poetry, ""Lady Day Sings a Tune Outside Her Balcony" -


Lucky Jefferson, "When The Black Mamba Came to Rucker Park"

One Art: a Journal of Poetry, "Chalk Drawings in the Street"

Rundelania, multiple poems

The Sucarnochee Review, multiple poems



Across the Margin, multiple poems

Arts Fuse Magazine, "Black Fans with the Barnstorming Babe"

Delta Poetry Review, "Lightning Bugs Left in Mason Jars"

DUMBO Press, multiple poems

Glassworks Magazine, "Driving Through Western Maryland"

Heavy Feather Review, "My Front Yard in Summer"

The Hooghly Review, "The Sports Writing Voice That Has Stuck with Me..” (craft essay)

Jerry Jazz Musician, multiple poems

The Lake Magazine, "When the Harlem Renaissance Went to Russia" 

Long Leaf Press, "Colored Regiment Returns from WWI" - anthology

The Museum of Americana, "If There Was Required Reading in Baseball"

The Paddock Review, "We Tell the Sad Stories of Aging Boxers" *Pushcart Prize Nominee*

Paddler Press, multiple poems

Piker Press, multiple poems

Poetry Super Highway, "On Taking Out the Garbage at a College Apartment"

Pulsebeat Poetry Journal, "The Soundtrack of Summer"

Quarter Press, "The Hellhounds of Mississippi"

The Rome Review, multiple poems

The San Antonio Review, "The Inagural Juneteenth Festivity"

The Spit Bucket Zine, "More Sweet Than Science"

The Syncopation Literary Journal, multiple poems

Thimble Literary Magazine, "The Drive Back Home from School with Mom"

Third Wednesday Magazine, "The Greatest Catch by Willie Mays"

The Tuskegee Review, multiple poems

Upstate Artists Guild-Hudson Valley Writer's Guild's Poetic License Art Exhibition  - "The Raker of Leaves"

Valley Voices: A Literary Review, "Rural Church Reaper"

The Wilderness House Literary Review, multiple poems

Every Writer's Resources, "After the Final Baseball Game"



The Amistad, "Ol' Black Church Attire"

Baseball Almanac, "Voyage of the Negro League Player"

Casa Azul of Greensboro's Latitudes in Afro-Latinx Art Exhibition - multiple poems 

The Dead Mule School of Southern Literaturemultiple poems 

The Decolonial Passage, "Mammy Does the Morning Chores," *Pushcart Prize Nominee*  

Eunoia Review, "After the Parochial School Dance"

Fevers of the Mind, multiple poems

Hobo Camp Review, "Scenic Sunday Drive Upstate"

Hudson Valley Writers Guild, multiple poems - anthology

Litt Magazine, "Puerto Rican Dance Festival"

The London Magazine, "The Divine Comedy as a Jazz Piece"

The Lyre, multiple poems

The Museum of Americana, "The Last Dance at Paradise (Harlem)"

North of Oxford, "We Tell the Sad Stories of Aging Boxers" 

The Remington Review, "An Opening Day Snow" 

Roi Fainéant Press, multiple poems, *Best of the Net Nominee* 

San Pedro River Review, "My  Father's Vegetable Garden"

The Sport Literate, multiple poems

The Syncopation Literary Journal, multiple poems 

Words and Sports Quarterly, multiple poems 



Apple Valley Review, "Watering Hole Pastoral"

Bardball, "The Fire and Billy Martin"

Farmer-ish Journal, "The Crows Gathered at Sundown" 

Hudson Valley Writers Guild, multiple poems

I-70 Review, "Marcus Garvey Meditates Near the End" 

Juke Joint Magazine, "City Slicker Goes Countryside"

The Lyre, multiple poems, Third Place Finish in Poetry Contest

The Northern New England Review, "My Wooster Ave. Christmas - Circa 2003"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Scenes from a Sports Bar"

Twin Bill, "The Banishment of Moses Fleetwood Walker" *Best of the Net Nominee*

Up the Staircase Quarterly, "Jim Tells Huck Finn a Bedtime Story"

WFDD (NPR Affiliate), Poetry Month Challenge, multiple poems - anthology



Albany Poets, multiple poems

Black Bough Poet, “June Bug Nights”

First Literary Review, “Macbeth Chessboard” 

Front Porch Review, "A Puerto Rican Dance Festival"

Kissing Dynamite Poetry, “When I Ran Away From Home and Only Took a Backpack of Rap" 

The Mark Literary Review, “Downtown Lights During the Holidays”

New York Quarterly, multiple poems

Night Music Journal, "Jazzman Plays the Songbook" 

October Hill Magazine, "Bat Flailing in the Backyard Shed" 

Pine Hills Review, "When Black People Get to Swim in Chicago"

Spitball Magazine, "Black Baseball Blues in Pittsburgh"

South Florida Poetry Journal, multiple poems

Trouvaille Review, " A Round Town Full of Squares"



Aethlon: Journal of Sports Literature, “A Commemoration: Ebbets Field”

Chronogram Magazine, “A Prescription from Dr. J”

Ghost City Review, “An Opinion Piece on the Death of Newsprint”

Loud Coffee Press, “Otis” 

Maryland Literary Review, “Cain Sings the Moon Blues"

The New Southern Fugitives, “If God Permitted Pirates on the Mississippi”

The Twin Bill, “The Voice of Bob Sheppard,” *Best of the Net Nominee*

The Under Review, “The Norms of the ‘60s Celtics”

The Westchester Review, The Last Gobstopper of Halloween”



Portrait of New England, two poems

Red Eft Review, “Summer in Starkville, MS”



Anti-Heroin Chic, two poems

Corvus Review, “On Wise Whitman”

Maudlin House, “Dark Comedy” 

Mused Literary Review, two poems

The Mystic Blue Review, three poems

The Pangolin Review, “Childhood Memories of Fireworks” 

Plum Tree Tavern, “Binghamton June"

The Sport Literate, “Voyage of the Negro League Player” 

The Stray Branch, “The Unseen Definite” 

Street Light Press, “There Was a Tornado in Brooklyn” 



The Occulum, multiple poems

Quail Bell Magazine, multiple poems

The Roanoke Review, “Lazarus is a Black Man,” *Best of the Net Nominee*

Scarlet Leaf Review, multiple poems



Ink in Thirds, “Reading the Face that Appeared in the Mirror”

Jerry Jazz Musician, multiple poems

The News Verse News, “Beautiful and Bitter the Water” 

Obsidian Magazine, “Summer in a Ghetto”

Sick Lit Magazine, multiple poems

The Yellow Chair Review, “Looking for Charlie Parker”



The Carolinian, multiple poems

The Coraddi, multiple poems



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